Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Assignment #1

stressed out student

I have heard a great bit about EDM310. All comments and information center around the amount of work and the overwhelming nature of it. I spoke at length with a student from the Spring '14 semester. He was encouraging, but stressed the importance of putting in all of the work. I've also heard very good things about the knowledge gained once the work is put in.

My biggest fear of this class is that I will fall behind technologically. We were asked in one of the questionnaires if we considered ourselves "technologically literate." I answered yes because I do consider myself just that. Yet, I feel that I am on the bottom rung of the literacy ladder. I know just enough to survive. I feel capable of learning, but technology has always been a thorn in my side. I am nervous about my abilities to learn at the pace required. I plan on utilize the lab, teaching assistants, and all other resources available.

I have never before taken a course like this. EDM310 is the most unique course I have ever seen. I graduate high school in 2002 and still had the option to hand-write papers for assignments. I've never had to turn anything in online before (with the exception of Sakai). I've also never taken a class that involves the use of media in any form. I've never had to make a video or post on a blog. It is quite a large jump for me in taking this class, but I'm looking forward to learning.

As I noted above, I feel the most difficult thing will be breaking my bad habits and learning to embrace the technology. Talking with a few previous students and seeing the vast variety of resources provided for us, I think I have all the tools in place to overcome the perceived difficulties. I've always been one to adapt and overcome challenges presented to me. It seems that Dr. Strange has set us up for success, but we will have to utilize the tools given to us; nothing will be spoon-fed to us. I don't have any questions at this time, but I'm sure i will have plenty as the projects become more complicated. I have been dreading this course, but I am hopeful that I can get more out of it than any other course I have taken thus far.


  1. Great job at answering all the questions asked! This is a very unique course, but you will learn about so many useful tools. Good luck this semester and let us know if we can be of any help!

  2. You answered everything so well, I totally agree with everything you said. I am also nervous about falling behind with the class work that is due. I'm looking forward to a good semester. Good luck! Go Group 7!
